Fear of being seen
If your deepest wound is not feeling seen then you probably hide…
What a contradiction right? The thing you desire the most is the thing you shy away from the most.
But why is it so difficult to let yourself be seen? Well, it's fear.
I know that this was all true for me - all I wanted was to be seen, yet here I was hiding the complete truth of myself to others. I would only give bits and pieces of my actual thoughts and feelings just enough to keep my distance. I used to think that my love was too much, that the amount of love I could give was too much for anyone to handle. I would be vague and if someone showed love and appreciation to me I couldn’t even receive it.
Again what an contradiction right? When a person finally did see me and acknowledged me for it I couldn’t even accept it. I would brush away the compliment and make up a list of reasons why they were wrong and were lying to me…
Or if I put someone on a pedestal and they thought highly of me then I needed to hear it again and again in order to feel fully seen. On each end of the spectrum it was unhealthy, unbalanced. I only let someone in to see the full me until I felt complete and utter trust that I was safe.
But safe from what? Fear of rejection? Fear of being laughed at? Being thought I was crazy?
But we are not fear. We are love.
If the truth of who we are is love, if all you say and do is coming from a deep well of unconditional love, passion and purpose, and you share that freely, then what does it matter what other people think or how it is perceived?
If the other person gets triggered or rejects your love then that is THEIR inability to receive love - has NOTHING to do with you. So don’t take it personal. Just move on to someone that can.
Say yes to the people that love your light. ALL OF IT. Too much love doesn’t exists. Neediness does, but true expression of love doesn't not come from that place.
At the end of the day we all desire to be connected to love, it is our birthright.
So allow yourself to be seen
The truth of who you are is love
If your biggest wound is not feeling seen, then you must allow to show yourself vulnerably in order to be seen.